Hi there! In July-2008,I finally decided to open my particular window to the Scrapping world. I hope you like what you read and see, and I also hope that you share your creativity with me, I'd love to see your projects!!
Thanks for stopping by and feel free to either leave a comment or email me.
“The only thing that can stop us from accessing our creativity is fear… fear of failure, fear of our own limitations, of comparisons, of success, and the list goes on.” — Maria Mikailas
I've changed my look twice in the last month. The first time, just didn't feel like a real change.
Last week, I was feeling really down and a real trip to the hairdresser is what cheers me up. Friday was the day :) I algo got a few redish highlights.
"Sometimes you've got to let everything go - purge yourself. If you are unhappy with anything . . . whatever is bringing you down, get rid of it. Because you'll find that when you're free, your true creativity, your true self comes out." – Tina Turner.
I knew about Scrapbooking in the USA, back in 98/99. I was on and off for a few years till I decided to give it a try again in Oct 05. I’m not making too much stuff lately but I feel great when I let my creativity fly. You can check some of my projects in my Flickr page following the link below… feel free to make any comment…