Welcome to my little piece of cyberspace...

Hi there!
In July-2008,I finally decided to open my particular window to the Scrapping world. I hope you like what you read and see, and I also hope that you share your creativity with me, I'd love to see your projects!!

Thanks for stopping by and feel free to either leave a comment or email me.

“The only thing that can stop us from accessing our creativity is fear… fear of failure, fear of our own limitations, of comparisons, of success, and the list goes on.” — Maria Mikailas

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

My post about my plans for 2011 :)

Well, since everybody is posting about plans/goals/projects for this new year, here I come! :)

First of all, I must say that 2011 has begun quite good for me, and I also would like to say THANK YOU to all of you that stop here from time to time and leave a comment; I know some of you don't write anything because you're busy, don't worry, that happens to me too. THANKS to all of you.

As some of you may already know, I've been dealing with anxiety issues lately. I've been on sick leave at work since the end of October. It seemed like my character "didn't fit the anxiety profile" at all, but I've been having a hard time... Well, fortunately, I'm a lot better now, and going up! :)

Just yesterday, I make another step towards my recovery, at the same time that covered another of my goals, and I joined a fitness program. I started a class and had lots of fun :) I hope I don't give up...
I need to strengthen my muscles after loosing about 15 kilo.

Now, the difficult part, to study for my hospital tests. Now that my brain seems to be ON again, I need to get ready to take those tests to get a permanent position in the hospital. I'll see what happens...

As for my scrapbooking, I've been crafting a little more lately :) That's been the first signal of my brain being OK again :)

- During this week I'll be done with my Xmas'10 album, made following Shimelle's class Journal Your Christmas, for the 4th year in a row. (I'll post about it later on)
I still have to make 07, 08 and 09, but step by step. You can read HERE about that.

- I'd like to make another Halloween 8x8 mini with a gorgeous 8"x8" Making Memories album, love at first sight!

- I've joined two online classes for February at Big Picture Classes: Creative Retreat, by May Flaum, and Embrace Imperfection, by Karen Grunberg, this one is free! :)

- And, as it couldn't be on another way, I've also joined Ali Edwards' yearly online class One Little Word. Last year, I chose my word, but didn't do anything about it. This year, I'm kind of keeping the samr word, but it'll be great for my therapy to work on it: ACCEPT. I'll be posting more on that soon.

- This week, our hobby room will be my scraproom again :) That means another reorganization, but not too big, just some moving furniture around :) I'll be posting some pics as soon as I can.

And last but not least, a dear friend of mine, who owns a LSS, reopenned it last Sat, Jan 15th, and now the store is huge!! We had so much fun and met again some old friends :)
It was a great weekend but, since OI'm still not 100% OK, I was so tired... but it was amazing!

I think this is enough for today :)

THANKS, and Happy 2011!!

Friday, January 7, 2011

My first scrap for 2011 :)

Three Wise Men present for my cousin, the baby's mommy :)

It's a
2"x4" mini with baby flash cards from Pretty Little Studio.

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