Welcome to my little piece of cyberspace...

Hi there!
In July-2008,I finally decided to open my particular window to the Scrapping world. I hope you like what you read and see, and I also hope that you share your creativity with me, I'd love to see your projects!!

Thanks for stopping by and feel free to either leave a comment or email me.

“The only thing that can stop us from accessing our creativity is fear… fear of failure, fear of our own limitations, of comparisons, of success, and the list goes on.” — Maria Mikailas

Thursday, July 29, 2010

And life goes on...

Yesterday, an important stage in my life was closed.

During 2 years and 9 months, I've been working in a hard place, but I've learned a lot and I've met incredible people.

Life itself is like a rollercoaster, ups and downs and, eventually, it makes a turn or a big loop, and turns your world 360º.

From one of my little spaces at the Web, I'd like to say THANK YOU to all the people who has been part of my life in the hospital during this period, thank you for having made myself GROW as professional and as person.

Next October, I'll be beginning a new stage which I hope it continues enriching my life; although it's been a hard work, I'm proud of being a NURSE.


From L to R:
Jose, the "super",
Maribel, my colleague at the university and my co-worker for July'10,
myself and Amalia, someone important in this area :)

The four of us again.

My supervisor and I with yesterday's planning,
the last one for this area signed by oursleves.

Maribel and I.

Amalia and Maribel.

Vero, our Nursing student, and the three of us.

Maribel and I showing the "air conditioning" for our little "dinning room".

P.S. The digital graphics I've added are from a free kit called Be A Nurse Inspired Desgins Valerie Ortiz 2009. Elements.


craft dreams said...

FELICIDADES amiga !!! Me siento tan contenta como tu !!! Tu trabajo te ubica muy cerca de Dios, ayudando a sanar a los enfermos !!! Martha Caballero

Unknown said...

Pero si eres la enfermera mas sexi!! ;-). Felicidades guapa!! como dice la canción.... se cierra una puerta pero ante ti se abre una ventana y con unas maravillosas vistas. Un besazo.

Carol said...

Congrats on becoming a nurse! I have been a nurse for almost 30 yrs and wouldn't do anything different! I am now a nurse practitioner for the past 5 yrs and love it!
Good luck!

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