Welcome to my little piece of cyberspace...

Hi there!
In July-2008,I finally decided to open my particular window to the Scrapping world. I hope you like what you read and see, and I also hope that you share your creativity with me, I'd love to see your projects!!

Thanks for stopping by and feel free to either leave a comment or email me.

“The only thing that can stop us from accessing our creativity is fear… fear of failure, fear of our own limitations, of comparisons, of success, and the list goes on.” — Maria Mikailas

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Keep going.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Keep going

When you have a long way to go, keep going. When you’ve almost reached the goal, keep going.

Success is achieved by those who simply do whatever it takes to keep going. All it ever takes, is taking the next step.

When you’re frustrated, make note of your frustration and keep going. When you’re tired and weary, take time out for a little rest, and then keep going.

The real joy is in the journey, so give yourself the joy of making that journey. Pick yourself up, again and again, and keep going.

You know full well that you can do it, so do it. Remind yourself why you’ve chosen to get there, and keep going.

You are a bundle of beautiful and unique possibilities. Keep going, and bring the best of them to life.

— Ralph Marston

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